>New Faction On Argo Online Revealed


Burda:ic, A leading publisher of online games worldwide, today unveiled details for the Floresslah faction in Steampunk fantasy mmorpg Argo Online.

To download a copy of the new trailer, please click here.

The Floresslah are the nature-inspired rivals of the machinist Noblians, devoted to protecting mankind from the ravages of technology. Their army is broken up into a multitude of classes, including Tauri, Defenders, Elementarists, Warlocks, Saggitarii, Rogues, Shamans, and Druids. These classes harness the natural magic of the world to keep the Noblians at bay as the war for control of the element Earthdium rages. The humans of millennia past ruined the world through their abuse of technology, and the Floresslah will stand to the last warrior to keep history from repeating itself.

For players who want a first look at this post-apocalyptic world, Closed Beta registration is now open at http://argo.alaplaya.net/closedbeta.
ARGO Online is coming to Europe and North America in early 2011.
ARGO Online Features include:
Free to play, with no monthly fees
• Two unique races to choose from with eight classes each
• Thousands of quests with an intriguing background story
• Interactive map system for finding NPCs, quests, etc., more easily
• Large battlefields for epic clashes with hundreds of players
• Wide variety PvP modes (including Capture the Flag)
• Real-time strategy elements
• Crafting system with multiple upgrade options for items
• Resource system (based on the mineral Earthdium) for skills (flying, attack, defense)
• Numerous professions to experience
• Open PvP zones and PvP dungeons to explore
• Raid instances to experience with friends
• Transportation for three to ten players (troop carriers) depending on the race, including flying transport! (Floresslah: animal mounts / Noblian: vehicles)
• Auction house for trading items
• Deep achievement system and a comprehensive ranking system
• Pet system with two completely different pet designs (animals and machines)

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