>MMORPGs Best PvP Action


PvP action has become an integral part of any good MMORPG, and it’s clear that the incredible population of MMO gamers all strive for excellence in whichever game they play. After all, what better way to prove your worth and skill, other than pitting yourself against other players! Gamers will continue to search for the holy grail of PvP in MMORPGs, until the time comes when they have the right combination of extensive character customization and intense, skillful combat! What free-to-play MMORPGs have the highest quality PvP gameplay? Here, we’ve come up with a list of some of the more above average titles, and it’s pretty much just some personal opinion.

Cabal Online
Cabal defines their tagline “Revolution of Action” in their PvP and siege wars. Their expansive skill list opens up a lot of strategies during battle, while the flashy skill effects add to the beauty of the fights. This game turns PvP into an explosive art form.
To sign up and play Cabal Online: Click Here!

Runes of Magic
At the moment Runes of Magic is one the most popular F2P MMOs. Open PvP only takes place on PvP servers. The PVP in this game is mainly found in world PKing and Siege Wars. The thing with PK mode is that you could turn it on and attack people, and not only can you kill people, but they also might drop some loot (if they were in the same level range as you)! This is an ideal game for a good PVP rogue-type, with so many unexpected surprises. 
To sign up and play Runes of Magic: Click Here!

Atlantica Online
This game has the makings of a successful game, given a bit of time. The turn-based system provides a new level of strategy and tactics during PvP battles. The turn-based strategy seen in games like Final Fantasy with “active-time” modes certainly pales in comparison to Atlantica’s PvP.
To sign up and play Atlantica Online: Click Here!

Conquer Online
Conquer is a one of the earliest 2.5D PvP MMORPGs seen, and has been running for almost 8 years. The servers are still consistently full of people from all over the world, and although the graphics can’t compete the higher end 3D MMOs, it does have some pretty interesting PvP features. The game is based around open PvP, with combats being fast-paced and frequent. The winning side will be able to gain some really nice loot from the loser, as the losing side’s items will have chance to be detained. They will have to pay a reclaiming fee to the winning player to redeem their gear, or risk the winner walking off with it! It gives a good sense of revenge to the game, which is actually pretty fun. Besides, the special XP skills and dueling class system will give your character extra skills that help to round out the game. Conquer offers players a broad range of interactive PvP/ PK platforms, including Arena battles and epic Guild Wars, and even cross server PK tournaments.
To sign up and play Conquer Online: Click Here!

Guild Wars
Unlike any other MMORPG, Guild Wars can be a 100% PvP MMORPG, as players can create special ‘PvP characters’ which start at maximum level. That’s right, players can start off at maximum level with a new PvP character! Instead of open world PvP, though, the PvP in Guild Wars centers around ‘ranked’ PvP matches, in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and numerous other setups. With a dual classing system, similar to the system in Runes of Magic, the PvP in Guild Wars is quite exciting.
Well, if you are looking for free MMORPGs, and would like to have some exciting PvP match-ups, this would be a good place to start! The top list of free PvP MMORPGs on the market today is right here. When you get tired of doing that same raid for the 50th time and you want to try something really challenging, you should grab one of these games and give it a go!

To try out other amazing MMOs visit: MMORPG.co.uk

>NCsoft Spreads Its Holiday Cheer!


The holidays are here, and it’s time once again to visit friends, eat delicious food, open presents and attend fun holiday events. In honor of the season, NCsoft would like to invite friends, family, dragons, heroes and villains alike to their calendar of in-game holiday events where they can also – visit friends, eat delicious food, open presents  and battle the occasional Winter Horde.

With new holiday themed events, quests, items and costumes available throughout the season, NCsoft wishes players across all their titles happy holidays!

Guild Wars – The Battle for Wintersday Continues! (December 16, 2010 – January 2, 2011)
Once again, the fate of the season hangs in the balance as the life goddess Dwayna and the death god Grenth battle for control of Wintersday. This year the war god Balthazar and the goddess of nature Melandru are joining the fray! As these divine beings and their supporters prepare for a Wintersday showdown, players will enjoy festive holiday decorations, special Wintersday treats, PvP snowball fights, and light-hearted quests both new and old. Players can suit up and enjoy the holiday in style with our spectacular new Balthazar and Melandru costumes!

City of Heroes – The Ice Queen Cometh!  (December 17, 2010 – January 3, 2011)
The holiday season usually brings good will and holiday cheer. But this holiday, a cold wind blows through the realms of Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria. As Lord Winter and his Winter Horde return, bringing icy mayhem and chilling chaos, this holiday season sees  a double dose of sub-zero as he introduces his latest flame – or icicle – the Lady Winter.

With Lady Winter at his side, the Lord Winter’s attempts at freezing the world have certainly doubled. But remember, this is the holiday season. Every character that logs in during the event unlocks special holiday items and powers to aid them in stopping these royal “pains in the ice.” And if donning your Fuzzy Earmuff costume piece or spreading The Holiday Cheer power isn’t enough holiday help, you can always seek out the mysterious gifts left by the Gamester for more items. Be wary, as the Gamester knows if you’ve been naughty or nice.

Visit www.cityofheroes.com for more information and check out the trailer here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfPgQ5oDYBc&hd=1

Aion – Have a Glorious Solorius and a Ribbit New Year!
Solorius Festival December 15, 2010 to January 5, 2011
Year of the Ribbit December 22, 2010 to January 12, 2011
Solorius wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for the socks stuffed with gifts. But this year, someone is out to ruin the midwinter festival and has stolen all the socks! Track down these missing socks and bring some Solorius cheer to the devastated Shugos before the holiday is over.  Once the socks are found and all is right with the world, track down the Shugos who helped with the event and give them their rewards!  You may just find that helping others during Solorius is its’ own reward, but if not, there will be plenty of holiday items to go around.

And what’s a New Year without new presents and clothes? Not very new, that’s what. Ring in the Year of the Ribbit by helping the event staff retrieve their stolen banquet food while earning yourself presents and Ribbit themed clothes in the process. The delicious banquet items are going to help feed the needy, so you can do a good deed while getting decked out in the latest Ribbit gear.  

Visit www.aiononline.com for more information.

Lineage II – Winter Wintermelon Woes Whomping Event! (December 14, 2010 – December 28, 2010)
Any good farmer knows that the food you grow yourself tastes the best, unless that farmer happens to be Puss the Cat. Puss knows that the best food is smashed food, because this holiday season Lineage II players will be helping Puss grow special prize-filled wintermelons that will need to be opened the old fashioned way. By smashing them! Don’t worry if you’re averse to smashing wintermelons, as every character will find a holiday treat in their private warehouse. Smashing or no smashing.

Lineage I – Annual Lineage Holiday Event (December 22, 2010 – January 5, 2011)
This year, Lineage fans will be treated to true double drops, holiday themed event bags, and in-game holiday decorations. Come celebrate the season and see what surprises are in store.

Visit www.lineage.com/news/seasons_greetings.html  for more information.