>Bronx Mafia: The Newest Addition To Browser MMOs


Whoever says MMOs need a huge budget to be amazing games, has been proven wrong here. Bronx Mafia, the newest addition to a market that has new games appearing ever month may seem like your everyday text-based MMO, but this one certainly raises the bar on independent MMOs.

On the surface Bronx Mafia certainly seems like an everyday MMOs that seem to be sprouting up everywhere you can find them. This is not the case though as once in the game, it sets itself apart from the competition, with features that other games have not even thought about, such as Bodyguards, pets and an auction house.

Other features which do appear in other games still feel better here, more fine tuned than in other MMOs, from the start one can tell that a lot of thought and detail has gone into the creation and development of the game and in knowing that, you can tell that the game will be maintained an updated regularly. Such features as a crime family which give protection, weapons and bullets to the player give more of an in-depth feel to the game, also there is the auction house where players can buy and sell items for in-game money. There is also the ability to bribe the local law enforcement to reduce your “heat”.

The game also gives the player to ability to donate money to the upkeep of the game and in return receive benefits, that gives members a upper hand against opponents, such this as stat increases and increases in such things as inbox size and the number of friends one person can have will be increased but also the ability to receive MSN notification from the game is a huge benefit for players as they would no longer have to stay logged in throughout the day.

To sign up and play Bronx Mafia – Click Here!