New Expansion Announced For High-Quality Anime MMORPG Zu Online

Zu Online: Cull the Golden Ox Demons

Players are drawn to Zu Online for many reasons, chief among them are the use of Chinese mythology to create a world like nothing else you’ve ever experienced. Whether you’re a fan of its engaging PvP battles or the beauty of its flash-rendered graphics, the world of Zu Online is anything but peaceful. The latest threat to vex Zu’s brave adventurers is a horde of Golden Ox Demons that have overrun Thunder Peak.

The decade-long war between the Immortals and the Demons still casts a shadow over Zu’s inhabitants and heroes alike. Hidden devils walk among its people in human form, spreading cruelty and craving blood wherever they go. An invasion of Golden Ox Demons only makes an already dangerous situation even more deadly.

The Telepath Envoy has learned that the evil Golden Ox Demons recently barged into Thunder Peak and stole the Silver Stones. Though the Envoy’s power is great, it is no match for so many of these creatures. He has sent out a call for help, seeking higher-level champions to cull the Golden Ox Demons in Thunder Peak and recover the Silver Stones.

Beginning March 1st, the event will be available to all eligible characters each day from noon to 2:00 PM and from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM EST (GMT-5). Recover the precious Silver Stones to earn incredible silver stone gifts, as well as the Telepath Envoy’s eternal gratitude.



Sherwood Dungeon Version 2.2 Goes Live

Maid Marian Entertainment Inc., creator of the browser-based cult hit MMORPG, Sherwood Dungeon, announced today that its 2.2 update is live. Continuing to reward its loyal fans with fresh content, players are presented with an entirely new location to explore, two more premium pets to purchase, and numerous community requested features, such as an expanded friends list.

The Fortress of Fury is the latest location where players can teleport; an island encircled by huge battlements and offering additional quests. These quests will have players battling new mobs with enemy variants of the Lycan and Huntress, and will reward players with new weapons upon completion.

The Lycan and Huntress are premium pets that can be purchased by players.

The Lycan is a brutal man-beast with barbarian type armor that can be found prowling the battlements of The Fortress of Fury. The Huntress is part of a deadly clan of female warriors pillaging Sherwood’s inhabitants. Those who purchase these premium pets have the option of fighting side by side with them in battle or transforming their character into the pets form.

Users can head over to to check out the 2.2 update – no sign-up or download is required. And, with the addition of the Zong SMS Mobile Phone Payment system, players all over the world can easily purchase premium companions for their enjoyment, without the need of Paypal or a credit card.

Sherwood Dungeon proves that high-end fantasy gaming doesn’t need a box, a download, or a monthly subscription fee to deliver a quality experience to casual MMO players.

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Angels Online: Spotlight on Rare Pet Eggs

Angels Online is an MMORPG that stresses friendship and companionship, so it’s no wonder pets is such an essential element of the game. Skill-laden pets are armed with special (and sometimes deadly) abilities that help their masters quickly rise through level after level. Players invest a lot of attention and care in these loyal companions. As it grows, a pet develops based on training styles that can influence its abilities. With a wide range of possibilities, different players can train similar eggs and end up with very different results. Pets can even change their masters as players adapt their fighting style to take full advantage of their pets’ skills.

When it comes to finding and nurturing the perfect pet, rare pet eggs are always in demand. To get them, players must defeat Bosses and trust in lucky drops. If you’re searching for a rare pet egg, we’ve got the lowdown on several favorites to help you decide which one you want to make your own.

Brute’s Egg

With exceptional defenses and stats, this egg transforms into a Blood Wolf, Evil Werewolf or one of six other possibilities when it reaches mid-levels. With incredible defenses and some amazing abilities, these pets are great choices for those looking for a defensive stalwart.

Beast’s Egg

The Beast’s Egg has a low drop rate and is only available from a few select Bosses. Like the Brute’s Egg, it features has impressive stats. It also gains incredible strength as it levels up. With each skill it learns, its appearance undergoes dramatic changes, until you end up with a majestic pet that is both attractive and powerful.

Nature’s Egg

Nature’s Egg is one of the rarest in Eden. Along with its unique appearance it has great basic stats. In an evolved form, such as the Crying Cactus or Shouting Cactus, it will grant players a much-sought-after advantage in PVP battles.

Elf Egg

One of the rare pets from the “Lost Atlantis” series, the Elf Egg pet’s bubbly and cute appearance makes it irresistible to many players. Though adorable, its ability to leech at higher levels is very useful when you want to keep other players occupied in PVP battles.

Dragon Egg

In China, the mystical dragon is a symbol of authority that has always been revered for its power and regal appearance. Though some may wonder if its reputation is greater than its value, many would rather run from a fight than face this creature’s mysterious abilities on even terms.

Fuzz Ball Egg

Despite its strange appearance, the Fuzz Ball is most prized for its looks. Its cuddly and furry form also sports a small set of wings that give it an angelic appearance. The Fuzz Ball comes in many colors, including black, white, yellow, pink and green.

To play this and other amazing MMOs visit:

Runes of Magic Goes Browser

Frogster’s successful fantasyMMORPG Runes of Magic will be entirely playable in a browser window and on Facebook starting in Q2/2011. The international publisher has closed a cooperation agreement with technology partner Kalydo. The Dutch middleware provider will realize the browser integration with a browser plug-in and a scalable server platform running on cloud computing that they developed. Using the so-called Kalydo Player, the originally client-based MMORPG can then be enjoyed through any browser on practically every Windows PC without any constraints.

The initial focus of the partnership will be Facebook integration. For the registration, the partners will use the social network’s user-friendly single-opt-in function, allowing every Facebook user to dive straight into the virtual world without having to complete any additional registration procedures. Once inside the social network, Runes of Magic can be played in either full screen or window mode without limiting any of the game’s functionality. The Kalydo team has already started with the technical implementation of the browser version. Frogster will show a first test version to selected media partners at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco from 28th of February until 4th of March. The publisher can be found on a common booth with Gameforge in the North Hall of the Moscone Center, booth No. 702.

“We are expecting to see a marked increase in the numbers of players for Runes of Magic through this cooperation with Kalydo. Powered by the impressive Kalydo technology the browser version will enable us to attract new target groups who previously have found the download, installation and registration process too complicated”, commented Andreas Weidenhaupt, Chief Licensing Officer of Frogster Interactive Pictures AG on the signing of the contract.

Doki Tops, CEO of Kalydo agrees with him:  “This is the future of gaming. Players enter the game with a single click of the mouse instead of spending hours on a download and installation and get the exact same experience. We praise Frogster for recognizing this potential and taking a leading role with us in pioneering this massive new style of gaming.”

To sign up and play Runes of Magic: Click Here!

Fourth Runes of Magic Chapter Starting with Closed Beta

Frogster will be releasing the fourth chapter of the online role-playing game, Runes of Magic, called ‘Chapter IV – Lands of Despairat the start of April. A small selection of players will be among the first to get access to the new content in the first closed beta. The new zone boasts an exciting background story with unexplored zones, dungeons, and a new level cap of 70, amongst other new features.

‘Chapter IV – Lands of Despair’ tells the story of a mighty, yet mysterious demon who is throwing the world of Taborea into turmoil. As part of his devious plan he has released a horrifying contagion across the land, turning the inhabitants of entire villages into soulless zombies. Even Annelia, daughter of Lord Grafu, has joined his ranks as a young apprentice and has been consumed by the darkness inside her. Runes of Magic players must set off on a dangerous journey through uncharted regions, and confront new and terrifying creatures to bring the light of day to this dark and afflicted land.

Players’ first steps in this intrigue-wrought empire will bring them to the ‘Land of Malevolence’, which can be reached by way of a path from the recently released Limo Desert. The zone is filled with contaminated forests and poisonous rivers, but the area’s main features are the many castles that dot the horizon, which stand in contrast to the desert design of the previous region. The first of the new instances is tucked away in one of the many castles, alongside the countless hidden nooks and crannies. The new design concept of the chapter is perfectly embodied in Lord Grafu’s castle, where players must solve tough puzzles and reign victorious in challenging battles in order to lay their hands on the coveted treasures stored within.

Chapter IV – Lands of Despair will be available for free download in the same way as the basic version of Runes of Magic and all previous updates from Frogster.

First glimpses of the forthcoming chapter can be had at the Game Developers Conference from 02 until 04 March 2011 in San Francisco. The team from Frogster will also be available for interviews.

To get more info and to start playing Rune of Magic: Click Here!

Introducing Melee Character Ash and New Weapons to LOCO – Land of Chaos Online

Burda:ic, a leading publisher of online games worldwide, today announced the exciting addition of new character Ash, a motivated melee and distance fighter, to RTS Action MMO LOCOLand of Chaos Online. Along with the newest member of the LOCO family, four new costumes have also been announced for popular characters Randy Rozz, Stella, Minity Grey, and Irene Claudel.
Ash is a young guy compared to the rest of the LOCO crew of misfits, on his way to explore the world for priceless items and valuables. Specifically, Ash is searching for a treasure chest that contains the vestiges of Hellion, a treasure currently in the possession of warlord Ellan Rhineford. Having stolen the chest during the conquest of the holy city Livria, Ellan will not part with the spoils easily, and Ash will have to use the full extent of his thieving abilities to steal what was rightfully stolen to begin with.

Ash brings with him a new weapon class to the game – the polearm, which can be used to fend off enemies at a medium distance – as well as a steal capability which allows Ash to plunder in-game gold (but not AP) from other characters. Opponents beware… Ash’s polearm gives him the ability to attack from quite a distance, so he’s just as worthy an adversary when he’s not trying to pick your pocket.

To sign up and play LOCO for free: Click Here!


Sword 2 Reveals Renaissance

Sword 2, the hit MMORPG/RTS published by GamersFirst, today launches its 5.0 expansion, Renaissance. This expanded realm of Granado Espada includes features such as an in-game achievement system, Cross-World PvP arenas and stunning new UPC’s.

Players will be able to enjoy a newer, larger world for exploration and pioneering. Renaissance presents a completely new user interface, rejuvenating both the look and feel of Granado Espada.

Features of PvP include:

  • Pioneers are matched on gear and skill level
  • Pioneers can challenge each other to 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 arenas
  • Pioneers are ranked and rated based on performance
  • New and improved Colony Wars are now more engaging and fast-paced.
  • New Costumes – Players will now be able to get the Serpent Costumes, Rose Wings, and Caerunis Costume for Nar.
  • Castilla – The newest region of the world introduces Castilla Mine Raid, Tower of Chaos, Relic and Castilla Temple along with new NPC’s, boss monsters and the new medal achievement system; for the best of the best to showcase their abilities.

New game play will be accompanied by a medal achievement system that includes more than 24 different medal categories for bragging rights. New UPC’s include Sorceress Emilia, Catherine Torsche (Dr. Torsche’s child) and Valleria (Princess Gabriela’s twin sister).

To play this and other amazing MMOs visit:

Sony releases PS3 hack statement, promises mass banning

Sony has today released an official statement concerning “unauthorized circumvention” of the PlayStation 3, and promised repercussions of genocidal proportions. According to Sony, you have only a very brief period of time in which to remove any unauthorized devices and cheeky hacks from your PS3, or your account will be terminated.

Here is Sony’s full statement:

Notice: Unauthorized circumvention devices for the PlayStation 3 system have been recently released by hackers. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software. Use of such devices or software violates the terms of the “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation Network/Qriocity and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. Violation of the System Software Licence Agreement for the PlayStation 3 System invalidates the consumer guarantee for that system. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws. Consumers using circumvention devices or running unauthorized or pirated software will have access to the PlayStation Network and access to Qriocity services through PlayStation 3 system terminated permanently.

To avoid this, consumers must immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems.

Up until now, Sony has been very lax about the hacking and cheating that has plagued the PlayStation Network for years. Now it seems the company is finally putting a system in place to implement a spate of bannings similar to the ones Microsoft is famous for.

In other words, SONY BE MAD! I really hope they know what they’re doing with the bannings, though. I foresee some innocents getting caught in the blitz, and a whole new pot of trouble brewing. Guess we’ll have to see!

New High-Quality MMORPG TERA Online Class Releases

As the world of TERA draws ever closer, more information is uncovered about the mysterious High Elf race and Priest class. The High Elves, a deeply spiritual and ambitious race from the great city of Allemantheia, will look to restore their civilization to its former glory.  While the Priest class is set to bring a new and unique twist to the battlefield, promising to break the mould of every MMO before it.

The Monsters of TERA: Beyond the Ordinary

We can’t even tell you, how often you fought against goblins, ogres and dragons in the past years. With TERA we want to go a different way in many parts of the gameplay, this also includes the creatures you’ll encounter on your journey.

You’ll see monsters you have never seen before, like the immense, greedy Kumises and the twisted, sinister Lokians and we don’t even want to talk about the metallic monstrosities known as the Argons, the main enemy of all races in TERA.

The whole world of TERA is now a dangerous place, citizens are always surrounded by dangers and the monsters have even started to strike at the heart of the Valkyon Federation. Only the brave players stay and fight back the enemies, which are trying to annihilate all known races.

The High Elves

If you decide to play as a high elf in TERA, you also become a part of the worlds most ambitious and ruthless society, but they are also known for their intelligence. The life as a high elf in TERA is not an easy one, with a world where diversity is vital for a race to survive, the Elven pride is as tenacious as the elves themselves.

The High Elves in TERA fill in every role in their typical arrogant but superior way, despite what class they choose. A high elf will always be a tough enemy and hard to read, because they always keep tight when it comes to expressing their emotions. This can be an advantage, but also a problem, as the High Elves need to cooperate and gain the trust of the other races.

High Elves are known for their longevity and their wisdom. They may have joined the Valkyon Federation as the last race, but you shouldn’t doubt that there may be the chance of them being the leaders in the near future.

Classes: Berserker and Priest


As a Berserker you trust in solving problems with your huge battle-axe. If you really can’t solve the problem with your axe, the “problem” will most likely end up fleeing in fear anyway. At least that’s how Berserker sees the world in their own eyes. A class full of devastating power, which can be unleashed to its full potential on every battlefield out there.

Berserkers are feared for their rage, but still as a player you need to think tactically, move around the battlefield, evade enemy attacks and unleash the Cyclone attack in the right spot at the right time, to annihilate anyone who comes close to you.


Movement is always important in TERA, as a Priest it will be one of the keys to succeeding on a battlefield or in supporting your group members. As a Priest you’re not just the basic healbot, standing there and spamming heal after heal. You’ll need to deal damage, lock down enemies and keep moving while trying to keep your group members alive, both with single and manually targeted heal spells and also with casting a Circle of Rejuvenation.

The Priest is the key player to success in both PvE and PvP, friends and foes will also try to protect our get to you. Healing in TERA takes skill, but you’ll earn trust and victory if you do your job right.

To play some this and other amazing MMOs visit:

>Two Out Rally Enters Third Season With New Features

>Two Out Rally, Baseball MMORPG announced today that Season 3 will begin with new features, including team ownership options and a referral rewards system. Combine that with a user base growing at a surging 40% clip, and users have a lot to look forward to this season.

As the only free and no-download role playing baseball simulation, Two Out Rally sees its tremendous growth among three key communities: gamers, fantasy baseball fans, and forum dwellers.

“While those are often the same person,” Walter Fulbright, President of Game Logic & Design said, “we really have something to offer for everyone, whether you like baseball, closely-knit communities, or you just seek out addictive games. It’s a neat opportunity to provide all three in a way that’s never been done before.”

To appeal to baseball fans and videogamers, Two Out Rally features a unique player creation system that is both fun and easy to use, including options to pick from any position, six different player backgrounds, seven unique player personalities, and twelve different skills for both batters and pitchers to upgrade.

But that may not be enough for fantasy baseball fans, Fulbright said. “That’s why we created a robust team ownership experience,” which includes a 25-man roster that can be filled with the user’s own players or with players found using the dynamic “Hot Stove” free agent search tool. Once the roster is filled and the lineup is determined, owners can choose from assorted game-time options which determine how the team handles its relief staff, base-running aggression, and situational strategy.

Two Out Rally, Baseball MMORPG is a free online browser-based baseball simulation that combines an addictive player design system with a strategically deep and challenging team ownership experience. Two Out Rally has multiple leagues for every level of competition, allowing the most casual of baseball fan a few minutes of fun per day from the comfort of an office cube, or hours of intense baseball entertainment for the most hardcore baseball fans anywhere.

To play Two Out Rally: Click Here!
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