Sword 2 Reveals Renaissance

Sword 2, the hit MMORPG/RTS published by GamersFirst, today launches its 5.0 expansion, Renaissance. This expanded realm of Granado Espada includes features such as an in-game achievement system, Cross-World PvP arenas and stunning new UPC’s.

Players will be able to enjoy a newer, larger world for exploration and pioneering. Renaissance presents a completely new user interface, rejuvenating both the look and feel of Granado Espada.

Features of PvP include:

  • Pioneers are matched on gear and skill level
  • Pioneers can challenge each other to 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 arenas
  • Pioneers are ranked and rated based on performance
  • New and improved Colony Wars are now more engaging and fast-paced.
  • New Costumes – Players will now be able to get the Serpent Costumes, Rose Wings, and Caerunis Costume for Nar.
  • Castilla – The newest region of the world introduces Castilla Mine Raid, Tower of Chaos, Relic and Castilla Temple along with new NPC’s, boss monsters and the new medal achievement system; for the best of the best to showcase their abilities.

New game play will be accompanied by a medal achievement system that includes more than 24 different medal categories for bragging rights. New UPC’s include Sorceress Emilia, Catherine Torsche (Dr. Torsche’s child) and Valleria (Princess Gabriela’s twin sister).

To play this and other amazing MMOs visit: MMORPG.co.uk